SWIM Registration Form
School Information
High School Name
School Classification
Class 1 - 600 or more students enrolled in 9-12 or homeschool students
Class 2 - 151-599 students enrolled in 9-12
Class 3 - 150 or less students enrolled in 9-12
School Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
School Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Name of Principal
Principal First Name
Principal Last Name
Name of Superintendent
Superintendent First Name
Superintendent Last Name
Name of SWIM Sponsor
SWIM Sponsor First Name
SWIM Sponsor Last Name
SWIM Sponsor's Email
Name of Person Completing Form
Person Completing Form First Name
Person Completing Form Last Name
Fine Arts
Music Fudamentals, Contestant 1 (1005)
1005 Contestant 1 First Name
1005 Contestant 1 Last Name
Music Fudamentals, Contestant 2 (1005)
1005 Contestant 2 First Name
1005 Contestant 2 Last Name
Advanced Music Theory, Contestant 1 (1006)
1006 Contestant 1 First Name
1006 Contestant 1 Last Name
Advanced Music Theory, Contestant 2 (1006)
1006 Contestant 2 First Name
1006 Contestant 2 Last Name
Biological Sciences
Biology I, Contestant 1 (2001)
2001 Contestant 1 First Name
2001 Contestant 1 Last Name
Biology I, Contestant 2 (2001)
2001 Contestant 2 First Name
2001 Contestant 2 Last Name
Biology II, Contestant 1 (2005)
2005 Contestant 1 First Name
2005 Contestant 1 Last Name
Biology II, Contestant 2 (2005)
2005 Contestant 2 First Name
2005 Contestant 2 Last Name
Anatomy & Physiology, Contestant 1 (2006)
2006 Contestant 1 First Name
2006 Contestant 1 Last Name
Anatomy & Physiology, Contestant 2 (2006)
2006 Contestant 2 First Name
2006 Contestant 2 Last Name
Accounting, Contestant 1 (3001)
3001 Contestant 1 First Name
3001 Contestant 1 Last Name
Accounting, Contestant 2 (3001)
3001 Contestant 2 First Name
3001 Contestant 2 Last Name
General Business, Contestant 1 (3003)
3003 Contestant 1 First Name
3003 Contestant 1 Last Name
General Business, Contestant 2 (3003)
3003 Contestant 2 First Name
3003 Contestant 2 Last Name
Leadership, Contestant 1 (3004)
3004 Contestant 1 First Name
3004 Contestant 1 Last Name
Leadership, Contestant 2 (3004)
3004 Contestant 2 First Name
3004 Contestant 2 Last Name
Management & Marketing, Contestant 1 (3008)
3008 Contestant 1 First Name
3008 Contestant 1 Last Name
Management & Marketing, Contestant 2 (3008)
3008 Contestant 2 First Name
3008 Contestant 2 Last Name
Financial Literacy, Contestant 1 (3009)
3009 Contestant 1 First Name
3009 Contestant 1 Last Name
Financial Literacy, Contestant 2 (3009)
3009 Contestant 2 First Name
3009 Contestant 2 Last Name
Computer Science
C++ Programming, Contestant 1 (4002)
4002 Contestant 1 First Name
4002 Contestant 1 Last Name
C++ Programming, Contestant 2 (4002)
4002 Contestant 2 First Name
4002 Contestant 2 Last Name
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets, Contestant 1 (4003)
4003 Contestant 1 First Name
4003 Contestant 1 Last Name
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets, Contestant 2 (4003)
4003 Contestant 2 First Name
4003 Contestant 2 Last Name
HTML and Web Page Design, Contestant 1 (4004)
4004 Contestant 1 First Name
4004 Contestant 1 Last Name
HTML and Web Page Design, Contestant 2 (4004)
4004 Contestant 2 First Name
4004 Contestant 2 Last Name
Java, Contestant 1 (4005)
4005 Contestant 1 First Name
4005 Contestant 1 Last Name
Java, Contestant 2 (4005)
4005 Contestant 2 First Name
4005 Contestant 2 Last Name
Visual Basics Programming, Contestant 1 (4006)
4006 Contestant 1 First Name
4006 Contestant 1 Last Name
Visual Basics Programming, Contestant 2 (4006)
4006 Contestant 2 First Name
4006 Contestant 2 Last Name
Microsoft Office and Word, Contestant 1 (4007)
4007 Contestant 1 First Name
4007 Contestant 1 Last Name
Microsoft Office and Word, Contestant 2 (4007)
4007 Contestant 2 First Name
4007 Contestant 2 Last Name
Language Arts
English Literature, Contestant 1 (5001)
5001 Contestant 1 First Name
5001 Contestant 1 Last Name
English Literature, Contestant 2 (5001)
5001 Contestant 2 First Name
5001 Contestant 2 Last Name
American Literature, Contestant 1 (5002)
5002 Contestant 1 First Name
5002 Contestant 1 Last Name
American Literature, Contestant 2 (5002)
5002 Contestant 2 First Name
5002 Contestant 2 Last Name
English Usage, Contestant 1 (5003)
5003 Contestant 1 First Name
5003 Contestant 1 Last Name
English Usage, Contestant 2 (5003)
5003 Contestant 2 First Name
5003 Contestant 2 Last Name
General Humanities, Contestant 1 (5010)
5010 Contestant 1 First Name
5010 Contestant 1 Last Name
General Humanities, Contestant 2 (5010)
5010 Contestant 2 First Name
5010 Contestant 2 Last Name
Spanish I, Contestant 1 (5005)
5005 Contestant 1 First Name
5005 Contestant 1 Last Name
Spanish I, Contestant 2 (5005)
5005 Contestant 2 First Name
5005 Contestant 2 Last Name
Native Speakers: Spanish I, Contestant 1 (5115)
5005 Contestant 2 First Name
5005 Contestant 2 Last Name
Native Speakers: Spanish I, Contestant 2 (5115)
5115 Contestant 2 First Name
5115 Contestant 2 Last Name
Spanish II, Contestant 1 (5006)
5006 Contestant 1 First Name
5006 Contestant 1 Last Name
Spanish II, Contestant 2 (5006)
5006 Contestant 2 First Name
5006 Contestant 2 Last Name
Native Speakers: Spanish II, Contestant 2 (5116)
5116 Contestant 2 First Name
5116 Contestant 2 Last Name
Native Speakers: Spanish II, Contestant 2 (5116)
5116 Contestant 2 First Name
5116 Contestant 2 Last Name
Algebra I, Contestant 1 (6001)
6001 Contestant 1 First Name
6001 Contestant 1 Last Name
Algebra I, Contestant 2 (6001)
6001 Contestant 2 First Name
6001 Contestant 2 Last Name
Algebra II, Contestant 1 (6002)
6002 Contestant 1 First Name
6002 Contestant 1 Last Name
Algebra II, Contestant 2 (6002)
6002 Contestant 2 First Name
6002 Contestant 2 Last Name
Geometry, Contestant 1 (6003)
6003 Contestant 1 First Name
6003 Contestant 1 Last Name
Geometry, Contestant 2 (6003)
6003 Contestant 2 First Name
6003 Contestant 2 Last Name
Plane Trigonometry, Contestant 1 (6004)
6004 Contestant 1 First Name
6004 Contestant 1 Last Name
Plane Trigonometry, Contestant 2 (6004)
6004 Contestant 2 First Name
6004 Contestant 2 Last Name
Modern Mathematics, Contestant 1 (6005)
6005 Contestant 1 First Name
6005 Contestant 1 Last Name
Modern Mathematics, Contestant 2 (6005)
6005 Contestant 2 First Name
6005 Contestant 2 Last Name
Physical Sciences
Chemistry, Contestant 1 (7001)
7001 Contestant 1 First Name
7001 Contestant 1 Last Name
Chemistry, Contestant 2 (7001)
7001 Contestant 2 First Name
7001 Contestant 2 Last Name
General Science, Contestant 1 (7002)
7002 Contestant First Name
7002 Contestant Last Name
General Science, Contestant 2 (7002)
7002 Contestant 2 First Name
7002 Contestant 2 Last Name
Physics, Contestant 1 (7004)
7004 Contestant 1 First Name
7004 Contestant 1 Last Name
Physics, Contestant 2 (7004)
7004 Contestant 2 First Name
7004 Contestant 2 Last Name
Physics, Contestant 3 (7004)
7004 Contestant 3 First Name
7004 Contestant 3 Last Name
Social Sciences
Oklahoma History, Contestant 1 (8001)
8001 Contestant 1 First Name
8001 Contestant 1 Last Name
American History, Contestant 1 (8002)
8002 Contestant 1 First Name
8002 Contestant 1 Last Name
World History, Contestant 1 (8003)
8003 Contestant 1 First Name
8003 Contestant 1 Last Name
Civics, Contestant 1 (8004)
8004 Contestant 1 First Name
8004 Contestant 1 Last Name
American Government, Contestant 1 (8005)
8005 Contestant 1 First Name
8005 Contestant 1 Last Name
Geography, Contestant 1 (8006)
8006 Contestant 1 First Name
8006 Contestant 1 Last Name
Psychology, Contestant 1 (8007)
8007 Contestant 1 First Name
8007 Contestant 1 Last Name
Psychology, Contestant 2 (8007)
8007 Contestant 2 First Name
8007 Contestant 2 Last Name
Sociology, Contestant 1 (8008)
8008 Contestant 1 First Name
8008 Contestant 1 Last Name
Sociology, Contestant 2 (8008)
8008 Contestant 2 First Name
8008 Contestant 2 Last Name
Sociology, Contestant 3 (8008)
8008 Contestant 3 First Name
8008 Contestant 3 Last Name
Economics, Contestant 1 (8009)
8009 Contestant 1 First Name
Last Name
Economics, Contestant 2 (8009)
8009 Contestant 2 First Name
8009 Contestant 2 Last Name
General Technology Education I, Contestant 1 (9001)
9001 Contestant 1 First Name
9001 Contestant 1 Last Name
General Technology Education I, Contestant 2 (9001)
9001 Contestant 2 First Name
9001 Contestant 2 Last Name
General Technology Education II, Contestant 1 (9002)
9002 Contestant 1 First Name
9002 Contestant 1 Last Name
General Technology Education II, Contestant 2 (9002)
9002 Contestant 2 First Name
9002 Contestant 2 Last Name
Electricity/Electronics, Contestant 1 (9007)
9007 Contestant 1 First Name
9007 Contestant 1 Last Name
Electricity/Electronics, Contestant 2 (9007)
9007 Contestant 2 First Name
9007 Contestant 2 Last Name
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